Sav-O-Mat Gas Station -
2544 11TH AV
Print Listing
Historical Name -
Sav-O-Mat Gas Station
Style -
Other Style
Built Year -
State ID -
Description -
This filling station at 2544 11th Avenue is situated on the northeast corner of 11th Avenue and 26th Street. White-painted wood and sheet-metal fencing delimits the north and east sides of the property. A macadam- and concrete-paved lot surrounds the entire structure, which is located near the northeast corner of the lot. The lot contains three fuel islands. Each is oriented southeast to northwest and features a central lamp standard supporting a pair of florescent tube lights. Oriented to the south, the structure rests on a concrete slab. A tan-colored, stack-bond brick veneer clads the exterior walls of the front (south) and west elevations. White-painted, vertical strips of heavy-gauge metal cover the gable ends and the rear (north) and east elevations. Windows are plate glass and are concentrated on the southwest corner. The westernmost window opening on the front (south) elevation has a one-beside-one-light, sliding sash window, with an aluminum frame. The front doorway opens west of center on the asymmetrical front (south) façade. It is a plate-gals door with an aluminum frame. Two, narrow, white-painted, metal slab doors, open on either end of the east elevation. Between them, just below the eave, is a pair of one-light, frosted, clerestory windows. A pay telephone, in metal housing, is attached to the east end of the front (south) elevation. Brown asphalt shingles cover the front-gabled roof, and the broadly overhanging eaves are boxed with red-painted metal fascia and white-painted metal fascia. In the center of the front-facing gable is a lacquered sign depicting a running Scottish man, dressed in a tartan kilt and beret, with fuel nozzle in hand; across him are the words "Sav-O-Mat."
Historical Background -
In December 1951, local developer John R.P. Wheeler platted his Third Addition to Block 13 of the First Addition to Arlington Park. This lot at 2544 11th Avenue is located within Wheeler's Third Addition. According to local tax assessor records, the current building was constructed in 1969. Little is known about the building before 1977. City directories list the Sav-O-Mat gas station at this address from 1977 onward. It is probable that Sav-O-Mat, Inc., has occupied this building since its construction in 1969. The station sells Sinclair gasoline.