Cropp House -
2413 10th Avenue Court
Print Listing
Historical Name -
Brown House; Abbett House
Style -
Ranch Type
Built Year -
State ID -
Description -
The residence at 2413 10th Avenue consists of an original (1948) L-shaped dwelling, with an original garage attached to the south side of the house, and a 485 square-foot shed-roofed addition to the west (rear) elevation. The attached garage measures 14' N-S by 22' E-W, while the addition (which was built in 1966) measures 29' N-S by approximately 15' E-W. The dwelling is supported by a low painted white concrete foundation, and its exterior walls are clad with white horizontal vinyl siding. The gabled roof forms over the original house and garage are low-pitched, and are covered with brown asphalt shingles. The eaves are boxed, and are finished with white vinyl or metal trim. The home's windows are primarily single 1/1 double-hung sash with vinyl surrounds. A 20-light glass block window (presumably for a bathroom) penetrates the north wall. The three 1/1 double-hung sash windows on the façade (east elevation) also feature decorative green vinyl shutters. A white metal-paneled front door, with one small leaded glass upper sash light, and covered by a white synthetic storm door, enters the house on the façade. This door leads into the dwelling from a 22' by 12' shed-roofed front porch. The porch features a distinctive pebbled concrete floor, painted white stuccoed brick knee walls, and wrought iron posts which support the porch's shed roof. A white metal-paneled door, with nine upper sash lights, and covered by a glass-in-vinyl-frame storm is located near the south end of the west (rear) elevation. This door leads into the house from a 21' by 7' shed-roofed rear patio. A white paneled garage door provides vehicular access to the garage via a concrete driveway from 10th Avenue Court, at the south end of the façade.
Historical Background -
Weld County Assessor records indicate that this house was built in 1948, while Greeley city directories indicate that it as initially owned and occupied by Robert H. and Marie (Stuart) Browne. City directories indicate that the Brown family lived here through circa 1963. Robert Hugh Browne had been born at Ottumwa, Iowa on September 14, 1893, the son of Samuel H. and Mary (Speer) Browne. Robert graduated from high school in Ottumwa, before moving to Greeley where he gained employment at Ruckers Super Service Station. Robert marred Marie Stuart in Greeley in April 1919, and sometime afterward, a daughter, Ann, was born. Also following their marriage, Robert worked as a self-employed salesman for many years. The Brownes lived in this house primarily during their retirement years, although daughter Ann was apparently living here too during the early 1950s. Mrs. Browne passed away in Greeley on July 24, 1972. Mr. Browne died on December 12, 1988, also in Greeley, at the age of 95. They were survived by their daughter Ann (Smith) and several other relatives.
City directories suggest that in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Brownes may have supplemented the family income by taking in boarders. For example, in 1956, Mrs. Doris M. Abbett is listed at this address, in addition to the Browne family. Interestingly, a James B. Abbett owned and lived here between circa 1965 and the early 1980s. The relationship between James B. Abbett and Doris M. Abbett is not clear, and it is also possible that there was a familial relationship between the Browne and Abbett families.
From 1984 to the present (2006) the property has been owned by Arvin C. and Patricia Ann Cropp. They apparently rented the house for a period of years; however, they have owned and lived here themselves for the past several years.